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"Adopting the Racing Greyhound" von Cynthia A. Branigan

Begonnen von Oval 5, 03.07.2012, 06h38

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Adopting the Racing Greyhound
third edition PDF

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Zitat von: überholt ...Adopting the Racing Greyhound

Zitat von: www.ciando.comvon: Cynthia A. Branigan
Howell Book House, 2004
ISBN: 9780764558986, 0 Seiten
Format: PDF

The first edition of this book was responsible for inspiring tens of thousands
of people to adopt ex-racers. Now, this fully updated edition features ground-
breaking veterinary information not available anywhere else. Greyhound
authority Cynthia Branigan--who has placed over 4,000 Greyhounds through
her organization--offers updated statistics on the costs involved with adopting
as well as new health information, such as warnings about tick-borne diseases
and suggestions on buying veterinary insurance. Branigan carefully explains
how to care for a Greyhound--everything from feeding and grooming to
training--and how to extend the dog's life span. Readers will also find a wealth
of updated information on medical conditions in Greyhounds and the latest in
tests and treatment.