Hoch interessant!
Dieses Interview vom Mai 2017 - also von vor 4 Jahren! - ist gerade erst am 9. Februar 2021 auf Youtube eingestellt worden. In diesen 4 Jahren hat die Irische Greyhound Industrie eine komplette Kehrtwende vollzogen mit
eigener Vermittlung von Greyhounds nach der Rennkarriere (s. 7.2.2021) und der
Rückverfolgbarkeit von Rennhunden auf Lebenszeit (s. 23.12.2021).
Gleichzeitig versucht eine miserabel informierte, sehr agile Lobby mit allen Mitteln die staatliche Förderung (die genau genommen eine Rückgabe eines kleinen Teils der staatlichen Einnahmen aus der Greyhound-Industrie ist) zu verhindern. Lug und Betrug sind da grade recht.
Das Thema ist in der Horrorecke, weil Taggert's Statement im Interview von 2017 genau da hingehört, und weil die Greyhound-Community auch in Irland nicht auf Bäumen schläft und genau deshalb so viel verbessert hat in den vergangenen Jahren, wäre es eigentlich schon ein Fall für die Geschichtsecke... stattdessen wird es vom
"Irish Council Against Blood Sports"(ICABS) auf Youtube eingestellt 2 Tage nachdem die Industrie-eigene Rennhund-Vermittlung ihren Start bekannt gegeben hatte

Zitat von: ICABS, 3.5.2017https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
It's okay to kill thousands of dogs, says former Irish Greyhound Board chairman
A former chairman of the Irish Greyhound Board has said it's okay to kill thousands of dogs in the cruel greyhound industry.
During an interview on Cork's 96FM on 3rd May 2017, Paschal Taggart was asked "Do you believe it's okay for thousands of dogs to be killed in the name of entertainment?"
Taggart's response was: "I absolutely do."
Paschal Taggart, introduced on the programme as "the man credited with building the Irish greyhound industry", attempted to defend the killing of thousands of greyhounds by saying that "there are thousands of race horses around the world killed in the name of sport."
"Most of them [the dogs] are kept alive - sorry, some of them are kept alive - and there are ones at the end of their time - they're injured or that - I do [believe it's okay to kill them]," he went on to say, adding "You can't have camel racing, you can't have horse racing, you can't have dog racing without euthanasia. It has to be done properly and correctly. Absolutely."
Responding to a question about cruelty in greyhound industry, Mr Taggart said "every sport is cruel - horse racing is cruel."
He claimed greyhound owners "look after their greyhounds better than they look after their children - or as well as."
Irish Council Against Blood Sports spokesperson Aideen Yourell described Mr Taggart's statements as "dreadful"...
"He said it himself - you have to put them down. That's absolutely dreadful. Thousands of them are put down and in the name of what? Imagine a sport that's based on cruelty [in which] greyhounds are disposable commodities. A greyhound's natural lifespan is 14 years and in the greyhound industry, it's 3-4 years. After they stop winning on the track, that's it."
Asked by programme presenter PJ Coogan, "do you believe it's time to let the greyhound industry go?", Aideen emphatically replied: "Absolutely."