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May - 16.5.2014 - Animal Welfare Conference in Dublin Castle/IE

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Minister Coveney Announces Animal Welfare Conference

Posted on March 31, 2014 Updated on March 31, 2014   

In a major step for animal welfare legislation in Ireland, Minister Simon Coveney has announced that an
animal welfare conference
is to be held
on May 16th
in Dublin Castle.

The conference will deal with a range of different topics as well as the new Animal Health & Welfare Act 2013.  Coveney has recently signed this act meaning that the core elements will be brought into operation.minister coveney

Minister Coveney said "The Animal Health and Welfare Act is an important piece of legislation, bringing together and modernising many existing laws in the area of animal health and welfare and I am delighted to bring it into effect. Given that the Protection of Animals Act dates from 1911 and the Diseases of Animals Act dates from 1966, there is an obvious need to make our animal health and welfare law fit for purpose in the 21st Century. This was a major priority for me and I am very pleased that this Act is now in place''.

This act will bring together both animal health and animal welfare under one legislative framework for the first time. The act recognises that both of these issues are closely related. While before they would have been dealt with as separate issues, now it is recognised that these two things can be interdependent and where either health or welfare breaks down it often has consequences for the other. This is a very important break through for animal welfare in Ireland.
This act places the concepts of prevention, risk assessment and biosecurity at the heart of the legislation which puts Ireland at the forefront of the best international practice. Judges for the first time will be given the power to prevent people who have a previous conviction of animal cruelty or of not protecting an animals welfare,  from owning or working with animals. This is a great step for animal welfare in Ireland.

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