
The Professor books:

Begonnen von KimC, 22.11.2015, 18h59

vorheriges - nächstes


Mein "Professor" hat zwei Bücher geschrieben. Die gibt es bei Amazon in Englisch und Dänisch. Leider nicht in Deutsch. Die Bücher sind nichtmal über Amazon.de erhältlich, wer in € ahlen will muss den Umweg über amazon.fr in kauf nehmen.

The idea was born on the deerhound forum, that I should share some of our adventures in a childrens book.
But when I am lucky enough to have a curious and stubborn deerhound who has earned himself the nickname "The Professor" already long time ago, why not let him tell the tales?
And why not start from the start, the time he remembers from his breeder, and then he moves in here?
The first book: "The Professor - moves in" deals with this. It has now been released as an Amazon book
The professor-puppy moves in, experiences the other dogs here and a strange human, he wonders why some water tastes good and other does not, find out that the earth is round, and much more. But can lighthouses really be useful to dogs? And why do we celebrate Christmas?

The second book: "The Professor - goes to school" continues just about where the first book stops, but they can be reaad independent.
Our Professor comes to dog school and learns something that comes useful later. Can that really happen to a deerhound? There are problems though, his leg hurts. What will they do about that? Can old dogs really dive, and do chimney sweeps always bring luck? Why do the Russians want his tail?
The Professor wants to know, and together we find out. Both books have 63 pages.

These books are meant to let children know about the appearently trivial things that happens around us. A dog who wants to know what is under every stone seems a good guide.

Amazon has free reading apps for most platforms. The books are also awailable on amazon.co.uk (for payments in £) and amazon.fr for payments in €.
No printed vesions are awailable.

This is the first time I attempt to write a book, english is not my language, I just want to share some experiences. Will there be more books? That depends on the feedback, We have got adventures enough for some more books, but if you would be interested to read one of the books already awailable I would like some feedback so that possible new books can be improved where this is desirable.


Gratulation!  Sylvester.gif

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